How to exclude anoying tags in intellij idea or android studio | WMI -

In IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio, you can exclude specific log tags in the Logcat view. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open Android Studio or Intellij IDEA.
  • Go to Tools > Android > Logcat.
  • In Logcat, seek for options related to “Ignore Tags” or “Ignored Log Tags”.
  • Add a list of tags that you want to ignore, by separating it using spaces or commas.
HardwareCodecCapability AudioCapabilities OpenGLRenderer ViewRoot ForceDarkHelper Looper PlayCore AudioTrack SurfaceUtils cr_ChildProcessConn FA ActivityThread DynamiteModule Perf DynamitePackage EgretLoader cr_LibraryLoader BpBinder chatty FeatureParser MediaCodec ExtendedACodec MapperHal OMXClient VideoCapabilities Gralloc3 MetadataUtil AdrenoGLES chromium DpmTcmClient WebViewFactory cr_CachingUmaRecorder AdrenoUtils cr_media AudioManager cr_SpareChildConn Chrome_InProcGp Choreographer AdInternalSettings Keep-Alive Vary pool-15-thread- WifiMulticast WifiHW MtpService PushClient EGL_emulation OpenGl* InputReader art dalvik Environment DataRouter AlarmManager WindowManager PhoneStatusBar ActivityManager ResourceType PackageManager gralloc Gnss NetRec ResolverController GAv4 AsyncOperation AppOps WificondControl aofp wifi netmgr ctxmgr BestClock FirebaseInstanceId android.os.Debug memtrack netd system_server StrictMode bluetooth NetworkMonitor BroadcastQueue ConnextivityService WakeLock HttpClientWrapper RAWR Tenor BgTask WifiService BluetoothAdapter UpdateStatsService AppIdleHistory Connectivity VelvetNetworkClient WorkerManager ActivityTaskManager UsageStatsService ocess.gservice DropBoxManagerService EventLogChimeraService PContextMetricsRunner MemoryController MultiDex AutofillManager libMEOW

Setting result looks like below screenshoot

How to exclude anoying tags in intellij idea or android studio | WMI -

Additional for GeckoView

Put below pattern to logcat filter column


How to exclude anoying tags in intellij idea or android studio | WMI -


Done, now all common anoying tags should not be displayed on logcat logs. Looks like below screenshot, no more annoying tags shown :)

How to exclude anoying tags in intellij idea or android studio | WMI -