NOTE: This class is in the docs but is not actually exported by Node. If gets resolved and Node actually starts exporting the class, uncomment below. import { EventListener, EventListenerObject } from '__dom-events'; /** The NodeEventTarget is a Node.js-specific extension to EventTarget that emulates a subset of the EventEmitter API. / interface NodeEventTarget extends EventTarget { /* * Node.js-specific extension to the EventTarget class that emulates the equivalent EventEmitter API. * The only difference between addListener() and addEventListener() is that addListener() will return a reference to the EventTarget. / addListener(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject, options?: { once: boolean }): this; /* Node.js-specific extension to the EventTarget class that returns an array of event type names for which event listeners are registered. / eventNames(): string[]; /* Node.js-specific extension to the EventTarget class that returns the number of event listeners registered for the type. / listenerCount(type: string): number; /* Node.js-specific alias for eventTarget.removeListener(). / off(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject): this; /* Node.js-specific alias for eventTarget.addListener(). / on(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject, options?: { once: boolean }): this; /* Node.js-specific extension to the EventTarget class that adds a once listener for the given event type. This is equivalent to calling on with the once option set to true. / once(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject): this; /* * Node.js-specific extension to the EventTarget class. * If type is specified, removes all registered listeners for type, * otherwise removes all registered listeners. / removeAllListeners(type: string): this; /* * Node.js-specific extension to the EventTarget class that removes the listener for the given type. * The only difference between removeListener() and removeEventListener() is that removeListener() will return a reference to the EventTarget. */ removeListener(type: string, listener: EventListener | EventListenerObject): this; }


  • EventEmitterOptions



captureRejections?: boolean

Enables automatic capturing of promise rejection.