

hash: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's fragment (includes leading "#" if non-empty).

Can be set, to change the URL's fragment (ignores leading "#").

host: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's host and port (if different from the default port for the scheme).

Can be set, to change the URL's host and port.

hostname: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's host.

Can be set, to change the URL's host.

href: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL.

Can be set, to change the URL.

origin: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's origin.

password: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's password.

Can be set, to change the URL's password.

pathname: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's path.

Can be set, to change the URL's path.

port: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's port.

Can be set, to change the URL's port.

protocol: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's scheme.

Can be set, to change the URL's scheme.

search: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's query (includes leading "?" if non-empty).

Can be set, to change the URL's query (ignores leading "?").

username: string

Returns the hyperlink's URL's username.

Can be set, to change the URL's username.


  • Returns string