

[key: string]: any


archive_dir: string

Archive directory

author: string

Your name

category_dir: string

Category directory

category_map: {
    [key: string]: string | number;

Category slugs

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | number
code_dir: string

Include code directory (subdirectory of source_dir)

cwd: string

Project CWD

date_format: string
default_category: string

Default category

default_layout: string

Default layout

deploy: Config

Deployment settings

description: string

The description of your website

exclude?: string[]

Hexo process will ignore files list under this field

external_link: boolean

Open external links in a new tab?

filename_case: number

Transform filenames to 1 lower case; 2 upper case

future: boolean

Display future posts?

highlight: {
    auto_detect: boolean;
    enable: boolean;
    line_number: boolean;
    tab_replace: string;

Code block settings

Type declaration

  • Readonly auto_detect: boolean
  • Readonly enable: boolean
  • Readonly line_number: boolean
  • Readonly tab_replace: string
i18n_dir: string

i18n directory

ignore: string[]
include?: string[]

Hexo by default ignores hidden files and folders, but setting this field will make Hexo process them

language: string | string[]

The language of your website. Use a 2-lettter ISO-639-1 code. Default is en.

new_post_name: string

The filename format for new posts

pagination_dir: string

Pagination directory

per_page: number

The amount of posts displayed on a single page. 0 disables pagination

permalink: string

The permalink format of articles

permalink_defaults: string

Default values of each segment in permalink

post_asset_folder: boolean

Enable the Asset Folder?

post_dir: string

Source posts

public_dir: string

Public folder. Where the static site will be generated

relative_link: boolean

Make links relative to the root folder?

render_drafts: boolean

Display drafts?

root: string

The root directory of your website

skip_render: string | string[]

Paths that will be copied to public raw, without being rendered. You can use glob expressions for path matching.

source_dir: string

Source folder. Where your content is stored

subtitle: string

The subtitle of your website

tag_dir: string

Tag directory

tag_map: {
    [key: string]: string | number;

Tag slugs

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | number
theme: string | false

Theme name. false disables theming

theme_config: {
    [key: string]: string | number;

Theme configuration. Include any custom theme settings under this key to override theme defaults.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | number
time_format: string
timezone: string

The timezone of your website. Hexo uses the setting on your computer by default. You can find the list of available timezones [here]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones . Some examples are America/New_York , Japan , and UTC .

title: string

The title of your website

titlecase: boolean

Transform titles into title case?

url: string

The URL of your website