
  • ParseOptions


cache?: boolean
config?: {
    archive_dir: string;
    author: string;
    category_dir: string;
    category_map: {};
    code_dir: string;
    date_format: string;
    default_category: string;
    default_layout: string;
    deploy: {};
    description: string;
    external_link: {
        enable: boolean;
        exclude: string;
        field: string;
    filename_case: number;
    future: boolean;
    generator: {
        amp: boolean;
        cache: boolean;
        type: string;
        verbose: boolean;
    highlight: {
        auto_detect: boolean;
        exclude_languages: any[];
        hljs: boolean;
        language_attr: boolean;
        line_number: boolean;
        tab_replace: string;
        wrap: boolean;
    i18n_dir: string;
    ignore: any[];
    language: string;
    meta_generator: boolean;
    new_post_name: string;
    pagination_dir: string;
    per_page: number;
    permalink: string;
    permalink_defaults: {};
    post_asset_folder: boolean;
    post_dir: string;
    pretty_urls: {
        trailing_html: boolean;
        trailing_index: boolean;
    prismjs: {
        line_number: boolean;
        preprocess: boolean;
        tab_replace: string;
    public_dir: string;
    relative_link: boolean;
    render_drafts: boolean;
    root: string;
    server: {
        cache: boolean;
    skip_render: any[];
    source_dir: string;
    subtitle: string;
    syntax_highlighter: string;
    tag_dir: string;
    tag_map: {};
    theme: string;
    time_format: string;
    timezone: string;
    title: string;
    titlecase: boolean;
    updated_option: string;
    url: string;
} & Record<string, any>

Site Config

fix?: boolean

run auto fixer such as thumbnail, excerpt, etc

formatDate?: boolean | {
    pattern: string;

Format dates?

shortcodes?: {
    codeblock: boolean;
    css: boolean;
    include: boolean;
    link: boolean;
    now: boolean;
    script: boolean;
    text: boolean;
    youtube: boolean;

Type declaration

  • codeblock: boolean
  • css: boolean

    Transform shortcode <!-- css path/to/file.css -->

  • include: boolean

    Transform shortcode <!-- include path/to/file -->

  • link: boolean

    Transform hyperlinks ends with path/to/file.md with path/to/file.html

  • now: boolean

    Transform shortcode <!-- now() -->



  • script: boolean

    Transform shortcode <!-- script path/to/file.js -->

  • text: boolean

    Transform shortcode <!-- extract-text path/to/file -->



  • youtube: boolean

    Transform shortcode {% youtube id 'type' %} tag

sourceFile?: string

Source File, keep empty when first parameter (text) is file