Cara Memperbaiki komputer lelet
Memperbaiki komputer lelet atau lemot menjadi komputer serasa baru.
- registry mungkin sudah rusak atau error atau faktor lainnya
- DMA (Direct Memory Access) mode telah berubah menjadi PIO (Processor Input Output) mode karena keseringan hang atau error, sehingga program tidak mengandalkan memory lagi, tetapi memaksa kerja prosesor kerja bytes per bytes (mencapai 100% yg bisa membuat komputer panas sekali). Setiap crash/error DMA mode turun dari Ultra DMA mode 5.. 4.. 3.. hingga PIO. 6x crash = lemot.
solusi :
- instal CC cleaner ato regcure
- masuk : control panel -> system -> hardware -> device manager -> IDE ATA/ATAPI controller -> Primary IDE Channel - double click (klik 2x) -> Advanced Setting -> Pada Device 0 dan Device 1 transfer modenya ubah menjadi : DMA if available -> klik OK.
- Kalau masih lelet/lemot/hang Download ResetDMA.vbs atau ResettingDMA.vbs dari Atau langsung saja copy kode berikut ini ke notepad:
- Save pada notepad dengan nama dan ektensi .vbs -> resetDMA.vbs
- Buka folder dimana anda save resetDMA.vbs tadi. Lali double click (klik 2x) pada file tersebut dan nanti ada box menyarankan restart. Klik Restart Now. setelah restart baru terasa performanya.
Install -> jalankan -> Scan -> Lalu fix problems
' Visual Basic Script program to reset the DMA status of all ATA drives ' Copyright � 2006 Hans-Georg Michna ' Version 2007-04-04 ' Works in Windows XP, probably also in Windows 2000 and NT. ' Does no harm if Windows version is incompatible. If MsgBox("This program will now reset the DMA status of all ATA drives with Windows drivers." _ & vbNewline & "Windows will redetect the status after the next reboot, therefore this procedure" _ & vbNewline & "should be harmless.", _ vbOkCancel, "Program start message") _ = vbOk Then RegPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\" ValueName1Master = "MasterIdDataChecksum" ValueName1Slave = "SlaveIdDataChecksum" ValueName2Master = "UserMasterDeviceTimingModeAllowed" ValueName2Slave = "UserSlaveDeviceTimingModeAllowed" ValueName3 = "ResetErrorCountersOnSuccess" MessageText = "The following ATA channels have been reset:" MessageTextLen0 = Len(MessageText) ConsecutiveMisses = 0 Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") For i = 0 to 999 RegSubPath = Right("000" & i, 4) & "\" ' Master Err.Clear On Error Resume Next WshShell.RegRead RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1Master errMaster = Err.Number On Error Goto 0 If errMaster = 0 Then On Error Resume Next WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1Master WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName2Master On Error Goto 0 MessageText = MessageText & vbNewLine & "Master" End If ' Slave Err.Clear On Error Resume Next WshShell.RegRead RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1Slave errSlave = Err.Number On Error Goto 0 If errSlave = 0 Then On Error Resume Next WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName1Slave WshShell.RegDelete RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName2Slave On Error Goto 0 If errMaster = 0 Then MessageText = MessageText & " and " Else MessageText = MessageText & vbNewLine End If MessageText = MessageText & "Slave" End If If errMaster = 0 Or errSlave = 0 Then On Error Resume Next WshShell.RegWrite RegPath & RegSubPath & ValueName3, 1, "REG_DWORD" On Error Goto 0 ChannelName = "unnamed channel " & Left(RegSubPath, 4) On Error Resume Next ChannelName = WshShell.RegRead(RegPath & RegSubPath & "DriverDesc") On Error Goto 0 MessageText = MessageText & " of " & ChannelName & ";" ConsecutiveMisses = 0 Else ConsecutiveMisses = ConsecutiveMisses + 1 If ConsecutiveMisses >= 32 Then Exit For ' Don't search unnecessarily long. End If Next ' i If Len(MessageText) <= MessageTextLen0 Then MessageText = "No resettable ATA channels with Windows drivers found. Nothing changed." Else MessageText = MessageText & vbNewline _ & "Please reboot now to reset and redetect the DMA status." End If MsgBox MessageText, vbOkOnly, "Program finished normally" End If ' MsgBox(...) = vbOk ' End of Visual Basic Script program
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