Earn money from blogs by joining the Influencer Marketplace
Earn Income From Blogs By Joining the Influencer Marketplace - It is undeniable that the vast majority of bloggers are earning income on the internet through blogs. And now more and more are trying to become bloggers with the main goal of making money on the internet.
And more and more are also making bloggers as the main occupation or the term as a full time blogger even though bloggers are not / not yet included in the type of work recognized especially in Indonesia.
Various reasons that become full time bloggers, one of the reasons is to become a blogger is not limited by work time, do not need enough work uniforms with a collector, and many other reasons.
Therefore, now more and more bloggers are popping up who are tempted to easily get money from the internet without being limited by work time or office attendance and do not need to be uniform and will not be scolded by employers.

But of course it's not as easy as turning your palm to get money from a blog, but it takes effort and hard work to work as a blogger. Not as easy as the previous article you read about the easy way to get money on the internet. Because it is not easy to make money through blogs, it requires determination to never give up and work tirelessly.
What must be known is that when we become a blogger by creating a blog, then we will not immediately get money. But we must build a blog first so that the blogs we manage can make money.
In building a blog it takes a lot of effort and can spend a lot of time and be patient.
It is true that writing is the work of bloggers, but not just writing just like that but it also requires techniques so that the writing we make can be found by many people.
Until now, Adsense is still the main target of bloggers to get money from blogs. But you should also know that when a blog is accepted as an Adsense publisher, then we don't necessarily get money just like that. But we must be diligent in writing useful and widely found by many people.
And Adsense is not the only way to get money from blogs, but many other things that can make blogs as a money-making machine.
One of them is a job review or rather can be said as selling backlinks. There are 2 ways to sell blog backlinks, namely direct offers on blogs and offers through marketplate influencers.
Simply backlink is a link that is planted on a website and directed to other websites. And buying and selling backlinks is related to the optimization of a website to increase the level of a website on search engines and also to increase website popularity.
The conditions for selling backlinks that are generally seen by backlink buyers are Alexa ranking, DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority), and Google's index. The smaller Alexa ranking and the greater the value of DA, PA, and Google index will increasingly affect the price of a review job or the sale price of a backlink.
We as bloggers can offer our blog for job reviews or sell backlinks by creating a job review offer page. For job reviews, there are usually 2 ways: review content written by the owner of the blog itself or content provided by backlink buyers. Usually the price for review content written by blog owners is higher than the content provided by backlink buyers.
Or we can offer our blog for job reviews or selling backlinks through an influencer marketplate that brings together buyers and advertisers and backlink publishers. And here are some marketplace influencers who can try to sell your blog's backlink.
The list of influencer marketing above will continue to be updated, and please provide a list of influencer marketplaces that you are participating in if not already listed above, please include in the comments column.
The system and the way each influencer marketing works, of course, varies with the amount of commission received.
But clearly everything is influenced by Alexa ranking, DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority), and Google's index. And the process can be with content from advertisers or content written by the publisher.
Remember, the smaller the Alexa ranking and the greater the value of DA, PA, and Google's index, the higher the selling price of your blog's backlink.
So please create and manage your blogs as best you can, the more blogs, the greater our chances of getting money from blogs.
And until now part of my income from the internet is from job reviews or content placement or content replacement from several blogs that I manage.
Hopefully useful.