Material Hilsa Herring Chimeraland materials Hilsa Herring October 8, 2022 1:26 PM A marine fish with green black. Its sides and belly are slivery-white. The back of its snout is pale gray, fins are yellowish, and dorsal and tail fin edge grayis
Hilsa Herring
October 8, 2022 1:26 PM
A marine fish with green black. Its sides and belly are slivery-white.
The back of its snout is pale gray, fins are yellowish, and dorsal and
tail fin edge grayish-black.
Continue reading Hilsa Herring

What is the use of the Hilsa Herring
How to get Hilsa Herring
- Go to the Auction House to obtain it.
- Go fishing on Centralmount at Mount Ascendus near ocean to obtain Blamprey.
Hilsa Herring Spawn Locations
Hilsa Herring is randomly spawned