Migrate ESLint v9 for prettier typescript javascript
programming nodejs , javascript , typescript , eslintMigration ESLint with prettier, typescript, javascript rules
Migration ESLint with prettier, typescript, javascript rules
How can I detect if my NodeJS file is called using node file path `node path-to-file` or `require('path-to-file')` or `import 'path-to-file'` ?
List loaded posts in HexoJS Basic codes to list loaded hexo posts by default to list all posts you can using below codes: github https://github.com/sergeyzwezdin/hexo-related-posts/blob/daf1021bf1914f2f90e3c77780e36a01330406ee/lib/calcRelatedPosts.jsL32-L40 https://github.com/sergeyzwezdin/he
Color mode toggler for Bootstrap 5.3.0+
How to create dynamic toast with flowbite-react In this article you will learn of How to create toast with flowbite-react dynamically, see below screenshoots. Below is an example of how you can create a dynamic toast component in React using flowbite-react. flowbite-react Create flowbite toast ele
example javascript codes to render single markdown post with HexoJS
ReactJS isMounted hook with useEffect Basic errors Warning: Cant perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. Basic React.useEffect React.useEffect understanding basic usage of React.useEffect call every changes Below c
react-dom server generate static html from react elements import as fs from fs;import prettier from prettier;import React from react;import ReactDOMServer from react-dom/server;render;function render let html = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup