
The solutions and causes of Google deindex.
Ever felt hit deindex? One of the blogs that I manage, had experienced it.
Getting blogs netted deindexed is terrible. Although only one violation you committed, the fact is Google will wipe your entire domain.
Want to quickly overcome Google deindex to get back to normal. Unfortunately, this can not be completed overnight. In such situations, the phrase ’ better to prevent than to cure ’ is more clearly defined. Google deindex penalty becomes the most bitter experience of a blogger than denied Adsense. Both make the spirit of blogging directly shutdown.
Traffic drops dramatically. All the pageone articles disappeared somewhere hidden. The effect really makes a somersault. The best way out is to try to find a reason and understand why Google has the heart to drop a deindex penalty on your website.
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How To Know Blogs Get DeIndex

Google Deindex is the disappearance of website content in Google search engine search results. In the case of deindex, the web can still be accessed by the blog admin as well as the visitor via a link other than the search engine.
Different with banned, where blog or website entirely can not be entered by visitors even admin though.
The most easily recognizable deindex symptom is the dramatically reduced traffic.Especially for those of you who rely on organic traffic with the primary source of visitors coming from Google.
The easiest way to find blog deindex or not, you can use the search query " site:http://yourdomainname". If you’re still unsure about using the query on one or your article, for example “site:ArticleURL”.
Your blog is positively attacked by deindex, if results appear on the search engine page as shown below.

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In addition, to ensure that your blog is safe from deindex, go to the Search Console page -> Search Traffic -> Manual Actions . If the result says " No manual webspam action found " it means your website is still lucky. (view image)

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Causes Google’s DeIndex and the Solution

Google’s explanation of deindex sometimes a little confusing, so here I need to explain why blogs get exposed to a red report from Google. For how to restore Google deindex will not be separated from the way out according to the issues below.

1. Noindex errors

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This is a simple mistake that often happens.

Related to the operation of a blog, Google provides a feature called robot.txt to navigate the work of robot crawling. Indexed or not a page depends on the settings of the commands you input on this feature.

If through the feature you have accidentally asked Google not to index your website, then deindex will definitely happen.

For that, always check your robot text settings. Who knows there was an error that you did not intentionally.

The solution

For bloggers, go to the Settingsmenu ->Search Preferences -> Custom robots.txt .
Let it be safe, setting robot.txt to its default version.

For wordpress, from Dashboard -> Setting Reading .
Check that the ’ noindex ’ parameter does not appear in the robots.txt file, the root directory, the web directory, or any of your meta data (the section of the HTML page).

2. Expired domain name

Do not forget to renew your domain name. If it gets late, the risk of websites disappearing automatically is inevitable. The result is predictable. Your website is deindex.

The solution

Always check your domain. Check regularly, do not get past expiration date. If necessary mark on calendar.Upgrade before maturity.

Or login to your domain provider and select ’ Auto Upgrade '. Later automatically your domain payment is updated when the time comes - as long as there is money in your account!

3. Server Crashes

Many reliable servers in Indonesia.But when your host’s web server is down , and if it happens to be a Googlebot inspection then your web condition is unstable (normal), this can cause your domain to be delisted or even _deindexed_altogether.

The solution

If you think the website is deindexed, check your web host .Did it happen ’ crash ’ in the period before the deindex. Otherwise your site must be reindexed to the next Googlebot crawl.

This effort is expected to allow the web page to re-appear in the next rank change. This process takes time until your original rank is fully recovered.

4. Broken Links

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Many people put outbound links on their web, but are rarely controlled.For a long time they like no matter the status of the link. Whether it is alive or dead.

This often happens where the link leads to another web that used to exist and disappeared for a reason so that the link status becomes damaged or dead ( broken link ).

Too many links to inactive web pages can reduce Google’s sympathy for your blog. The page rank in search engines can go down because your blog is considered a lot of leaks and unkempt.

The solution

Use Search Console (Google Webmaster Tool) or a free_checker link_ to check your links, one of them drlinkcheck . This tool will highlight all the non-active links on your site.Make minimum checks once a month to make sure all your links are healthy.

5. Outbound links overload in a short time

If too many of your links lead to other web pages ( outbound links ) in a short time, deindex could happen.Google considers this to be evidence that you are involved in a link sharing or link-buying activity.

The search engines must have seen the strangeness of the activity. They can assume your web has been hacked by people smuggling their links on your site.

The solution

Build outbound links and inbound links slowly. Do not use any software, let alone buy links. When detected by Google, the club will feel painful.

Google prefers natural backlinks from people who are impressed with your content. Positive services to visitors is what will boost your website ranking. Believe me, artificial links can actually turn off your blog.

6. Hidden Links (hidden link)

In addition to unnatural backlinks, Google can also stop your blogging activity due to
hidden links
(hidden links) that you plant.

Hidden links are links with the same color as the page background (such as white text on a white or black background with black).

If this blackhat technique you still use, when detected by Google, your web can disappear instantly from search engine. You also need to be careful. A hacker could just sneak this link into a web page without you even knowing it. Because this way gives them free affiliate links without any risk.

The solution

Occasionally check the source code of your page (press CTRL + U), to detect any links that should not exist. Use a text editor to search.Check the color format of its HTML text, and make sure it’s your link.

7. Content poor quality

Some sites initially operate fairly.Until the webmaster start lazy and saturated. They start creating content with automated software.The result, spelling and grammatically chaotic results in spam-detected blogs.

There are sources that say, bad spelling and grammar could trigger Google’s punishment.

The solution

Fix your spelling and grammar. Do not use any software to generate content. Because it can appear homonym in the article text that can confuse your web users.

If your
English writing skill is
mediocre, there is no harm in hiring the services of English article writers.

Affiliate links are exaggerated

Google’s work ethic is to let its users find useful information. Web pages filled with affiliate links especially for commercial products are hated by Google.
can be a special gift for the web like that.

The solution

Do not just post affiliate links, include product reviews in detail.Write clearly what its advantages and disadvantages, how the registration process, and others.After that, affiliate links may be included.

9. Duplicate Content

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There are still bloggers who pioneered blogs with capital copying intact from writing people.It’s okay, as long as guns are caught the same that have articles and raids from Google.
Importantly, make sure every duplicate in your web is controlled using the ’
’ attribute, or the canonical attribute on the duplicate page. Customize which is more appropriate.


If you can, do not do that! Write down all your own content, or hire someone to do your work.
10. Auto Generated Content (Scraping Content)
Scraping content means taking content from one site to another.Results from collected content are
again to create new content. The media used is usually a software that is sold freely online.

If someone says it’s safe, that’s a lie.This is just another form of duplicate content. If used extensively, chances are your website can be
) by Google.

So be careful, because the main target Panda algorithm targeting on this form of cheating.

The solution

If you already use scraping or spinner content, then it is better to delete all pages containing the element. Or you rewrite the content with your own words.

Execution may be canceled as long as you fix this problem immediately, even if your page rank goes down.

But deindex can still happen if the virus has spread across your website and always repeats itself during a certain period.

11. Cloaking and Doorway Pages

Cloaking page is a way used to manipulate website content.Content will be displayed and differentiated depending on who the visitor is.

If that comes spidernya search engine, then the content appears like an article in general. But when the visitors are human, which appears only
summary news only.To read it we must register or login first.

While the doorway page understanding is almost the same as cloaking, it’s just that the web content is not manipulated. The goal is to create many web pages that will link to the desired web page via redirecting or with certain tricks for visitors to click on the link.

The solution

Keep this in mind, Google insists that the content that appears on the search page must be the same as that displayed to the user, and vice versa.

Avoid cloaking techniques or doorwaypage. Never once try to play Google in any way.

12. Google Algorithm Update

Of course you also know, Google often update their algorithms related aspects of search, indexing, and ranking. There are
Pandas ,Penguins 1 & 2, and most recently Google updates the Page Layout algorithm.

For the latter algorithm, Google strictly sanctioned the content-poor web pages in the “On Flip” area.Ad-dominated pages and graphics on onflip can fall in the rankings in the hands of Google.

on flip = the top of the page viewed the earliest by the visitor without scrolling

The solution

If your website has been deindexed, check whether the event coincides with the launch of each update algorithm. If so, learn about the characteristics of the algorithm that is going on.

Next, modify your website or blog to fit the needs desired by the algorithm.

Find more information about Google post updates on
Google Hummingbird and Google Algorithm Update.

Deindex Recovery Tips

If you receive a Google warning regarding unnatural links, remove the link. If it’s hard to remove backlinks, use the tools available in the Google Webmaster tool that is
Google Disavow Tool.

Review your entire web, ranging from Title and Description Meta tags, and make sure your content is unique. Check your web to the Copyscape site to ensure the appearance of duplicate content.

If your website has been deindexed … … Do not despair! Your web ranking can still be restored. It takes time.

Avoid the 12 causes of deindex that I have discussed above. To be safe from deindex, follow the existing solutions.

May be useful. End of saying “SAY NO TO COPY PASTE”. Thanks.

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