Material Black Carp Chimeraland materials Black Carp October 6, 2022 1:26 PM Freshwater fish with a long body, slightly blunt snout, and two rows of comb-shaped narrow teeth. It is dorsal fin no hard spines and the outer edge is flat. Often seen
Black Carp
October 6, 2022 1:26 PM
Freshwater fish with a long body, slightly blunt snout, and two rows
of comb-shaped narrow teeth. It is dorsal fin no hard spines and the
outer edge is flat. Often seen nearby the Westmount Freshwaters.
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What is the use of the Black Carp
How to get Black Carp
- Go to the Auction House to obtain it.
- Go fishing on Westmount in freshwater somewhere inland to obtain Black Carp.
Black Carp Spawn Locations
Black Carp is randomly spawned